Thursday, June 28, 2007

Feliz Cumplea~os

Today is my buddy's birthday. Not Buddy's birthday, that's in April. Diablo, as much or more than any individual, has been through everything life had in store for me during the last 10 years. My senior year in highschool, a wasted semester in county college, a few dead end jobs, many different hairstlyes, some "social experimentation", girlfriends, 3 careers, and the deaths of friends and family round out the list of things that Diablo has accompanied me in. D's been around for my ups and downs (calling which extreme is an understatement), fits of rage, and foolish mistakes. At times he's been the only reason I thought I had to remain among the living. My dog, in essence, means the world to me.

His mother, Elijah, looked something like this:
Romeo, his pops, was a typical baby daddy and is nowhere to be found!

1 comment:

mzmiawallace said...

i sent that dog pic in a postcard-form to my best friend and just wrote "Rick James" on the back! you're weird